League Against Cancer Slovakia

The League against Cancer

is the only non-governmental philanthropic cancer organisation in Slovakia cooperating with international organisations UICC,ECL, WHO as their member and partner, in a large range of activities in the following areas of the cancer control programme.

Information, education, prevention

belong to the most effective parts of the cancer control strategy. There are several approaches adjusted to the entire population and the patients, as well. Extensive use of media, campaigns,  provision of informative material, seminars, workshops, lectures and cancer education at schools are the tools in the efforts to reduce cancer incidence, morbidity and mortality.

Helpline and counselling service

offers information and advice provided by professional team of doctors specialised in oncology, psychologists and social workers.


Support to clinical and research projects

covering a great spectrum of important cancer  patients –oriented studies, causes of development, diagnosis, treatment and psychosocial oncology.

Support to patients and their families

Psychosocial activities and comprehensive cancer rehabilitation belongs to priorities of our programme and many areas of the complex patients´ care to which  not enough attention has been paid yet are financed from sources of the League against Cancer. These include support to vacations of child cancer patients, Homes for parents of children treated in hospitals, reconditioning and relaxation stays for cancer patients, Cancer Help Centres in Bratislava, Martin, Košice offering free of charge services for the wellbeing and rehabilitation of cancer patients, direct financial support to patients and their families in critical economic situation, service of psychologists in cancer institutes and hospitals across the country.


The League against Cancer is an independent charity not receiving any direct financial support from the government and is fully dependent on voluntary donations. Beside our annual street collection of money during the Daffodil Day organised throughout Slovakia and submission of 2% of income tax there are partners who allocate their money to specific projects of the League against Cancer.


Future plans

Constant upgrading and extension of our work in all areas of the cancer control, in order to relieve the cancer burden.   Intensification of the strategy and campaigns for the prevention. Continuation in support of clinical and research projects. Introduction of cancer rehabilitation programme.